Acute care

Early Rule-out of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)

In this era of overcrowded emergency departments (EDs), measuring Copeptin along with Troponin (Tn) in the first blood draw now is proven to safely increase ED discharge, and significantly decrease hospital and ED/chest pain unit (CPU) lengths-of-stay, in patients presenting with signs and symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS).

Fast, accurate AMI rule-out should help:

  • Better target monitoring and interventions to the ~10% of chest pain patients truly having AMI
  • Avoid unnecessary monitoring, treatment, waits for discharge, and anxiety in the ~90% of chest pain patients without AMI
  • Optimize resource allocation and processes at the hospital level
  • Optimize patient management in the ED
  • Improve patient risk stratification

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